My husband and I are proud to call ourselves citizens of Camarillo. It is a great community in which to raise a family and enjoy living in Southern California without the hustle and bustle of LA and the crime, problems, and among other issues. We’ve lived here for 6 years, in the same house in the same neighborhood. Children ride bikes, play outside with their friends, use sidewalk chalk, all of the fun stuff we did when we were kids. We’ve loved it here, almost all of our neighbors have children – at one point there were 23 children within the 10 houses on our block alone. We have watched our neighbors kids grow and our own. They make friends that they go to the same school with in most cases and you can’t hope for much more in the way of a great environment for your kids.
Unfortunately, we have an HOA which has become increasingly focused on the so called safety of these activities. First it was a letter, and now yesterday in the mail a postcard proposing actual changes to the Rules and Regulations notifying us as home owners we are welcome to attend and discuss. Who knew chalk drawing and loitering could be used in the same sentence?
Our children draw in our driveway all of the time with chalk, it is one of their favorite things to do, they want to ride their bikes, have fun, and are never unattended while they are outside. These are basic reminiscent activities of summers gone by for anyone, and anyone trying to establish rules in the name of safety is missing the point of looking out for their neighbors and what has made this a great neighborhood to begin with.
Our society has lost sight of looking out for the welfare and development of all children and the bigger picture. Restricting activities that can build relationships, and foster a sense of community for everyone’s benefit is detrimental to everyone, not just members of the HOA. We will not be attending the HOA meeting because we have 4 children who a more deserving of the time and attention than this non-issue. Any true issues of vandalism, loitering, and the like are due to much bigger issues than our children playing in the streets.